Sunday, September 29, 2013

I'm A #9 and an ISFJ

Often in life, you learn more about yourself, who you are, what makes you tick. It has become clear that I am made to be a doormat. No matter how hard I try not to be, this is my nature.

With that said, it's hard being a people pleaser. You live a life trying to make everyone else happy and often ignore your own happiness. After a while, you get tired. You might even take more time for yourself and that makes you look selfish. When others try to make you happy, you aren't even sure what makes you happy anymore. It's one day followed by another.

I often think that my emotions are so strong, they can't be merely contained within me. And yet, they are. I often have a hard time sharing those feelings. I dislike confrontation with a passion. If you confront me, I may dance around it. I may not have a straight answer. That goes along with the fact that making a solid decision on anything, is extremely difficult for me without a lot of thought in regards to the subject at hand. I am a natural observer.

So where does the #9 come from? This gives you a brief overview of me.  And the ISFJ?  This is again me.  If you're expecting me to change, forget it.  I think this is so engrained in me, that it would be difficult to see change.  And again, change is hard for me.

And so, life continues.

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