- Take pictures. Lots of them. Don't be afraid to be in pictures with your kids. I have terrible self-image and while I hate seeing myself in pictures, being in pictures with my girls has been a wonderful gift to me.
Last picture of all of us girls. Easter~4/20/14 - If you have the capability...take videos. As many as you can. I'm cherishing the ones I have and wishing that I had more. I love her little voice. I miss hearing her. A lot.
3. Regardless of how your day has been, always tell them that you love them. Daily. Even multiple times a day.
4. Love on your kids. Seriously. Hug them. Kiss them. This goes hand in hand with #3. I have to say that my 11 year old still will hug and kiss me in front of her classmates. But, you didn't hear that from me. Maybe there will come a time when she won't, so for now...I'll take what I can get.
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My last full body snuggle caught on camera. 4/24/14 |
5. Document parts of your children's lives. The first time they roll over. Sit up. Crawl. Pop a tooth. Laugh. Even if you put it in a notebook...do it! This can also piggy back with picture taking, videos, loving on them...all of it!
6. Do stuff with your children. Am I saying to spend money like a crazy person? Nope. Simple stuff like taking your kids to the playground, going for a walk, riding bikes together, drawing together, coloring together...whatever you are willing to do...DO IT! Also? This ties into most of the other stuff too.
7. Study your child. Know what they look like. Do they have birth marks? Other noticeable characteristics or features? Cora had some for sure.
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Angel kisses and stork bites. She's my baby! |
8. Talk to your children. Depending on how old they are, children crave time with their parents, when you are able to talk to them one-on-one. They learn from you. Just before Cora passed away, I had been working with her on L words. Words like: lap, lip, like, etc. They would come out: wap, wip, wike, etc. I'd tease her because she'd come over to me and say, "Momma, I want to get in your wap." I'd say to her, "You want a wap?" Then I'd tap her on the forehead. You know? Wap?
9. Your children don't love you with conditions, so don't love your children conditionally. Love them unconditionally. If their needs are met...they will love you no matter what.
10. Learn to say 'yes' once in a while. If you're anything like me, I am saying "no" to a lot of things. Can I stay up late? No. Can I have a cookie? No. You get the idea. There are things that you can say no to and need to be a solid NO, but there are some...that could potentially be a yes.
Why am I writing these? Maybe out of guilt that I didn't do some of these more. Maybe because I miss Cora a lot. Maybe because I know some people that really could hear these words and benefit. Maybe because you just never know if today will be your last with your children. Whatever the case may be, love with all of who you are. Love without ceasing.
This is so incredibly valuable to me. Though the circumstances are not entirely the same, I lost my beautiful children and regret so many missed opportunities. I am having another beautiful baby and if it kills me, I don't care. I will dedicate my life to loving her in every way with all of me and capturing all of it that I can in any way possible. This should be true in every relationship. Not just with your kids. With friends, significant others, parents,everyone. You should love them like there is no tomorrow.