Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Oh Sweet Child

Cora, you had very few things in this life that you cherished.  You loved bigger than your age, without boundaries, and beyond what many adults can even fathom.

You never had much of a passion for toys.  You did, however, love to be outside.  You loved to be on your bike, your scooter, in the wagon, on the swings...wherever your little feet could take you...following closely on the heals of your sister.

With that said, sweet child of mine, I couldn't bring myself to put the one item that brought you the most comfort in this life, in with you at the end.

You would have taken your mimi with you everywhere if I had let you.  I did when you were smaller.  It was your thumb companion.

I imagine you had beautiful dreams with it close by your side.  You covered yourself with it; I covered you with it.

And it was never far away when you were sick.  I feel terrible that your mimi made a trip to Phoenix while your big sister was in the hospital, and one of your true comforts, was with me in my car.  I didn't realize it until I was headed home with your sister.

The nurses kept it as close to you as they could while you were in the hospital, but you kept spiking a temperature, so they would take it off from you and fold it at the end of your bed.

I'm sorry my sweet Cora, but momma still needs your mimi.  It's not far from my bed at night.  I cry myself to sleep on it sometimes.  I picture in my mind, you snuggled up to it, you on one side and me on the other.  I promise to keep it safe.  And while your clothes and pictures mean a lot to me, your mimi is that little part of you, that will always keep you close to me.

I love you kid.  I miss you so much.

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